Friday, August 26, 2016

Summer in the blink of an eye

Our Summer has been jam packed!
Between buying a house(!!!) and cramming in as much fun as possible I can't believe it's the end of August.
We were able to get to Sun Valley for the 4th of July, Lake Powell for the 24th of July (with the Jensons), Bear Lake for the kickoff of the Olympics, and Lake Powell one last time to bid summer goodbye (with Claflins). I also managed to get sick for two weeks in July, get certified as a High Fitness instructor, and Dan and my family rode their bikes all the way to Las Vegas in the Saints to Sinners relay.
July was hot hot hot, and August is finally giving us that 85 degree perfection that I wish I could live in year round. Friends have come to visit (Jeff, Catherine, Ann, Webbs!), and we did almost nothing but watch the Olympics for two weeks (good job Phelps, Simone(s), refugees, everyone).
Little by little we are getting settled into our home. We still don't have a kitchen table, and pictures still need to be hung, but it's ours and we love it.
Fall brings all sorts of exciting and fun things, but I will miss our sweet sweet Summer.

Photo review below.....
^^^All American 4th in Sun Valley
^^^High Fit at Stein Erikson Lodge
^^^Lake Powell for the first time this Summer!
^^^Everything Dan loves most in a photo
^^^Goodbye til next year Lake Powell 
^^^Officially teaching High Fit at my studio! Come try it out!

 (kacey.ism 385)

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