Sunday, September 7, 2014

Lake Hopping 101

In August I accidentally became a self-proclaimed "lake hopper". 

I spent a wonderful weekend in Lake Powell with my nearest and dearest friends. 
We've been doing this friend trip for 5+ years, and every year seems to be better than the last.
It's 4 days of laughing, reminiscing, surfing, playing games, skiing, teasing, tubing, trick skis, dance parties, and fun. 
I look forward to it all year, and am always so sad to see it go. 
All those Powell Pals make me so happy. There's no on else I would rather be hanging onto a tube for dear life with, or racing on trick skis with, or surfing in the USA with. 
Already less than a year until we'll be back on the lake. 

The spent the following weekend in Bear Lake in with Dan and his family.
I'm ashamed to say that although I have a cabin up there I've spent almost no time at all up there.
Dan's family are Bear Lake pros so they showed me a really great time. 
We waterskied, sailed, flew kites, went on a tandem bike ride, relaxed, stargazed, and played games.
I had the best time (even in the cold water)!
I hope I get back there soon. 

(kacey.ism 350)

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